Martes, Agosto 2, 2011


            We define internet as the network of all networks. It is one of the aspect of technology which we use in our daily lives.
             As a student of Assumption College of Nabunturan, internet really help me to develop my knowledge and help me to be  more responsible in doing my works in school.
               I use the internet in searching. Once our teacher gave us an assignments or projects, I open my account in Internet Laboratory of our school and find some additional information about my assignment We also use the internet in making our blog. Because of blog, we learned how to develop our capacity in  making report about a certain topic  We can also use the internet for advance reading in which we can easily get the updated headlines in the newspapers. .We can also use the internet in solving academic problems. Some students use the internet in reporting in which they can easily get the information in just one click of the buttons in the keyboard of the unit they are using.
                Furthermore, internet is really important in education. It provides many information we need in school, in our home, in our society and even in our daily lives.
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Linggo, Hulyo 17, 2011


     In this generation, the whole wide world is using internet in their business, education, in the society and even 
in our daily lives.
     But is it necessary to have internet in our computer?
     Practically saying, I don't have a set of  computer unit in our home. But as what I have been observe and experience in our society, internet can fulfill every human's desire.
     Internet is known as the internet of all networks. It is a huge network with a different interlinked networks in which we can communicate, have an online chat and even sharing of the documents and websites with our friends.
     In our modern times, internet is the most useful technology which help us not only in our daily lives, but also our personal and professional lives developments.
     Students use the internet to gain more information, additional knowledge for a certain topic. Even the business personals use the internet to get some necessary information for their use. Chatting systems and email of the internet is widely use in which we can be able to communicate with our relatives who live abroad. We can also use internet in getting the headlines in the newspaper. Instead of reading a newspaper, people use the internet to learn or to be aware of what is happening in their society or even in their own country. Internet also widened the opportunities of a businessman to develop their own website by advertising the products they produce. They also use the internet to convince the costumer to patronize their product.
     However, we also use needed to be aware on how to use the internet in a right way. Internet also has disadvantage in which directly affect the physical and psychological aspect of each individual.
     To prevent the psychological damage for the early ages, pornography which is commonly use in the internet is not required to be used by the children below certain age.Also the  security over the internet cannot be guaranteed because of the hacking techniques.Hacking is an illegal modifying the software or hardware of one's own computer system. 
     Furthermore, internet can help us to do our work fast and vividly. But we must  have a limitation by using the internet to prevent us from addiction in using the internet.

Lunes, Hulyo 11, 2011


       Technology is an application of science in industry or commerce. It creates a big difference between the human's life before and after the new era.
        As we walk along the path of the street, of our school buildings, we absolutely observe the effect of technology in human's life, physically, mentally and socially. With the help of technology, we can do our work fast and vividly. CD and DVD players, computers, mini radios, remote-control televisions, cellphones, space shuttles, electric cars are some of the products of technology.
        We also use technology in our home, in school and even in a business aspect. Through the help of technology, we can easily cook our delicacies by using the rice cooker, microwave oven, oven toaster and many more. In business, especially in some factories, they use machines to overcome the products they are going to produce. For the improvement of their products, some businessman use the internet to get some techniques. The same as business, some institution  believe that technology help to develop the skills of people who use it.
        As we can see in some Internet Cafe, students will absolutely enjoy their time chatting with their friends, playing games or maybe finding some solutions on how to answer the questions in their assignments.
        But in this aspect, are we ready to face a new life on the coming generation?